I recently installed the .net SDK on our windows 2000 advanced server (recently re-installed) and moved our current intranet to that server, everything worked fine.<BR><BR>I started messing about with ASP.NET and what it can do, cool beans, but when I started reading from a database (databinding a table to a dropdownlist like on 4guys) I discovered that after doing this (it worked btw) my database that gets updated with normal ASP (another one, not the same one) gives me the error like as if the directory the database resides in is read-only (the update error)<BR><BR>After restarting the PC, the intranet works fine, until I run that code... now I may not be as "professional" in ASP.NET yet, but I think that I need to, somewhere, close the connection I made with my ASP.NET page.<BR><BR>If anyone had any similar problems, please let me know of a solution. The code is exactly like on 4guys (databinding to a dropdownlist) so could anyone please advise me on what I might be doing wrong or how I can fix this?Certainly you can, and should do a YourConn.Close when you're done with an ADO.NET connection, but it's hard to believe that could blow your *other* databases up...<BR><BR>Huh. Weird. Let us know if you figure anything out.<BR><BR>BTW....Have you done any kind of diagnostics on it yet? Looking in the process moniter to see how the applications are perfoming, for instance?Not "blowing up", just making the other databases return the error like as if the directory they were in is not writeable.<BR><BR>I did the connection.close thing you suggested (and can kick myself for not doing it in the first place) and it seems to be ALOT more stable now and haven't given me problems yet.<BR><BR>Hopefully that was all there was to it.