ASP.NET LINQ Join won't work


New Member
I'm making a new application in ASP. I want an output with all joined data. I work in 3 layers.So here is the join code\[code\]Public Function selectAllOpenBugs() As List(Of tbl_bug) Dim result = (From b In dc.tbl_bugs Join p In dc.tbl_priorities On b.BugPriority Equals p.priorityId Join u In dc.tbl_users On b.BugOwner Equals u.userId Join u1 In dc.tbl_users On b.BugAssigned Equals u1.userId Where b.BugStatus = 1 Select b).ToList Return resultEnd Function\[/code\]Here is the code to get the results\[code\] Public Function selectOpen() As List(Of tbl_bug) Return DALBugs.selectAllOpenBugs() End Function\[/code\]And here is the code to fill the repeater\[code\]Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load rptOpenBugs.DataSource = BBLBugs.selectOpen() rptOpenBugs.DataBind()End Sub\[/code\]And this is what the repeater shows\[code\]BugId BugTitle BugPriority BugStatus BugOwner BugAssigned BugProject BugPriority1 TEST 1 1 1 2 1 tbl_priority\[/code\]Why doesn't the repeater show the joined values?Thanks in advance!