, IIS 5.1 and XP


Hello, I already posted in the ASP section and was suggested to post my problem here.

Here is a link to my post

My thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=55508</a><!-- m -->)

I just Download ed the .net 1.1 framework and installed it but it did not seem to fix my problem

ThanksThere are a few causes of this. First off you are going to need to install the .net framwork after IIS. This is so when the .net framework installs it can make some neccessary changes to iis. You can manually set up but it is a pain. So you might try uninstalling the framework and iis and then reinstalling iis followed by the framework. To find out if you have to do this annoying install game you need to check for something:
start -> run -> inetmgr -> websites -> right click on this and go to properties -> http headers -> you should see x-powered-by:
if not the framework was not properly installed (it did not detect iis because maybe iis was installed after the framework). I know you can manually add the header and do some other things... I just forgot which files needs to be moved and to where.

Also, another cause of this that I have run accross was bizzar. It was the default file types. When I would go to it would display just html with some random script not fired. But when I typed in default.aspx it would fire perfectly. So I moved default.aspx to the top of the list of default file types and it fired correctly.

There are some more causes too, those are just things I have run in to.Thanks for the input. I did install .Net framework after IIS.

So I moved default.aspx to the top of the list of default file types and it fired correctly.

Where did you do this?websites -> properties -> documents