ASP.NET database


Ive been learning for the last few days and I'm having some problems.

Firstly the <asp:repeater> has me confused, I cant seem to define how many times I want it to repeat, or work out how to add page navigation on it. By page nav I mean Page: 1,2,3...,7,8,9

It seems as though I can use my old asp connection script in I saw a tutorial on microsft that explained a few changes I need to make but for the most part it was the same code. Is using the asp database code on an aspx page a good idea? or should I start using the .net way.

And finally, is there a dictionary? I'm searching everywhere for help but most sites are repeating each other and I'm not learning anything new.Moved to .NETWell what I do is I just select the number of records that I want to be displayed in the db. Like I will have an incrimenting feild in the db and I will take the last value - 15 and stop at that.