I am developing a new project at work which uses an old dll file from an old project to encrypt passwords. You pass a string to a function and it returns an encrypted string back. Now when I test it locally on my Win 7 machine it works OK, but when I put it on my Win Server 2008 it doesn't work. At first it gave an error for trying to work a 32-bit on a 64-bit, but I just set the "Enable 32-bit applications" to true in IIS app pool and it stoped give an error, but now when it gets to the row where it has to return the encrypted string it just sits there until it gives a timeout: "The connection was reset". But no yellow screen of death.I used a program "dependency walker" to see what dll uses and from there I can see that I referes to kernerl32.dll which uses a kernerlBase.dll (this kernelBase.dll exists on my Win 7 machine but not on the Win Server). Just in case I tryed to return some static string from the dll like "error" after I rebuild the old project, but nothing returns. Still times out and as it seems it doesn't even go to the function I use to encrypt the string.
I use this...\[code\][DllImport("MD5CriptUnix.dll")]public static extern string md5_crypt(string pass, string salt);\[/code\]...to import the dll and use it which again works on my machine but not on the server.
I use this...\[code\][DllImport("MD5CriptUnix.dll")]public static extern string md5_crypt(string pass, string salt);\[/code\]...to import the dll and use it which again works on my machine but not on the server.