custom control property as reference to another control


New Member
i am looking to set up a user control that will have 2 public string properties.this string should be the ID of a control of the page with the user control.after using the control to validate class as one example and the associated control id for a label i have not been able to [*]have the property display as a drop down with a list of controls on the page in the property panel when adding this control to another page. (this is the way a control to validate work, trying to figure out what i am missing.)[*]after i am able to get the list of all i am hoping to limit some of these. based on some additional reading i have already done i am guessing this will need to be done with a custom type converter. \[code\][ Category("Behavior"), DefaultValue(""), Description("The State Tex Box"), TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(AssociatedControlConverter))]public string StateControlToAutoFill{ get { object o = ViewState["StateControlToAutoFill"]; return ((o == null) ? String.Empty : (string)o); } set { ViewState["StateControlToAutoFill"] = value; }}\[/code\]