controls do not get covered by a javascript navigation menu


I am creating a web page using, using User_Controls for banner and footer, which I created for use like a template. The banner user control has a javascript navigation bar with expanding menus. The body of the webpage has drop a down list and a couple of images. These objects do not get hidden underneath the expanding menu when it fans out on mouseover, but instead the images and dropdown list actually cover the menu. In other words, instead of sliding "over" the objects in the body of the webpage, the menu actually appears to slide "under" the images and dropdown list. Anyone have knowledge of this or ideas as to how to fix?

Animal415The body of the webpage has drop a down list and a couple of images. These objects do not get hidden underneath the expanding menu when it fans out on mouseover

do those controls have a Z-Index value inside their html tag? If so, make sure the Z-index value of those control is not higher then the menu off your javascript.

hope that helps.thanks, the z-index idea worked for the images, buttons, etc... but the dropdown list stays on top, no matter what. In other words, the z-index idea got the expanding javascript menu to get on top of the images and buttons, etc... but not on top of the dropdown list control. The dropdown list control is staying above everything else, no matter what.The dropdown list control is staying above everything else, no matter what.

Same thing happens to other browser? (mozilla, opera, Konqueror)

I've experienced a website like that in the past, and I had to switch to a diff browser in order to display correctly.Browser doesn't matter. We use I.E.6 at work. Can't change.