Hi <BR><BR>I have recently start to dabble with asp.net and will like to know how i connect to a mysql database using odbc.net or ado.net does not matter.i have tried but i always get a error telling me that the odbc connection type is not supported or invalid.i did include the odbc namespace but even that it does not want to load I also tried to add the arrangement name but not even that wants to load can someone help please. <BR><BR>Here is My odbc connection code <BR><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.ODBC" %> <BR><BR><BR><%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %> <BR><BR><html> <BR><script language="vb" runat="server"> <BR> Sub Page_Load(sender as Object, e as EventArgs) <BR> BindData() <BR> End Sub <BR><BR><BR> Sub BindData() <BR> <BR>Dim strConnString As String = "Dsn=dsnname;Uid=username;Pwd=password;database=dbn ame" <BR>Dim strSQL As String = "select * from smallholding" <BR>Dim myConn As New OdbcConnection(strConnString) 'error is here with the OdbcConnection <BR><BR> End Sub <BR></script> <BR><BR><body> <BR> <asp:datagrid id="dgPopularFAQs" runat="server" BorderWidth="0" <BR> CellPadding="2" Width="100%" <BR> Font-Name="Verdana" <BR> Font-Size="Smaller" <BR> <BR> HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" <BR> HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="True" <BR> HeaderStyle-BackColor="Navy" <BR> HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" <BR><BR> AlternatingItemStyle-BackColor="#dddddd"> <BR> </asp:datagrid> <BR></body> <BR></html> <BR>Make note of the first line. The Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll file should be in a directory called c:inetpubwwwrootin<BR>-----------------------------------------------------------------<BR><%@ Assembly Name="Microsoft.Data.Odbc" %> <BR><%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="True"%> <BR><%@ OutputCache Duration="120" VaryByParam="none" %> <BR><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <BR><%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.Data.Odbc" %> <BR><BR><script runat="server"> <BR> Sub Page_Load(obj As Object, e AS EventArgs)<BR> lblMessage.Text = "Connecting to MySQL under .NET" <BR> Dim Conn as New OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL};server=???;uid=???;pwd=???;database =???;option=NUM")<BR><BR> 'Open Connection<BR> Dim objCmd As New OdbcDataAdapter("Select Semester, Course_Code FROM errcecourse", Conn)<BR><BR> Fill Dataset<BR> Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet()<BR> objCmd.Fill(ds, "errcecourse")<BR><BR> Repeater1.DataSource = ds.Tables("errcecourse").DefaultView<BR> Repeater1.DataBind()<BR> <BR> Conn.Close() <BR> End Sub <BR></script> <BR><BR><html><BR><BR><body><BR> <asp:Label id="lblMessage" runat="server" /><BR><BR> <ASP:Repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server"><BR> <HeaderTemplate><BR> <table><BR> <tr><BR> <td bgcolor="#CCCC99" width="200"><b>Semester</b></td><BR> <td bgcolor="#CCCC99" width="200"><b>Course Code</b></td><BR> </tr><BR> </HeaderTemplate><BR><BR> <ItemTemplate><BR> <tr><BR> <td> <%#Container.DataItem("Semester")%> </td><BR> <td> <%#Container.DataItem("Course_Code")%> </td><BR> </tr><BR> </ItemTemplate><BR><BR> <AlternatingItemTemplate><BR> <tr><BR> <td bgcolor="whitesmoke"> <%#Container.DataItem("Semester")%> </td><BR> <td bgcolor="whitesmoke"> <%#Container.DataItem("Course_Code")%> </td><BR> </tr><BR> </AlternatingItemTemplate><BR><BR> <FooterTemplate><BR> </table><BR> </FooterTemplate><BR><BR> </ASP:Repeater><BR><BR></body><BR></html><BR>-----------------------------------------------------------------Oops, in my code there should be a comment on the line:<BR>'Fill DatasetYou have to download the ODBC component from Microsoft which isn't included in the default .NET framework. The default only contains components for OLEDB and SQL. You can download the ODBC component here <BR><BR>http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?ReleaseID=35715&area=search&ordinal=3