connection string sql 2012


New Member
I am having some trouble with a connection string between an ASP app sat on IIS and an existing SQL 2012 server.The current connection string that works is as follows: \[quote\] Data Source=SERVER1;Initial Catalog=CORE;User ID=testuser;Password=password; MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Connection Timeout=200;pooling=false\[/quote\]The ODBC driver installed is SQL Server V 6.01.7601.17514. I then added the latest driver SQL Server Native Client 11 and tried adjusting the connection string in IIS with no luck.I tried both ODBC and OLE DB strings from\[quote\] Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=SERVER1;Database=CORE;Uid=testuser; Pwd=password;\[/quote\]ODBC\[quote\] Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=SERVER1;Database=CORE; Uid=testuser;Pwd=password;\[/quote\]Each time i get a login prompt which i dont understand why the connection string is failing to supply these details with? What am i missing here?Just having a look though some of the similar questions, some mentions named pipes which is enabled...