ASP.NET C# - A function with arguments to write dropdownlist


New Member
I am new to ASP.NET and C#. What I am trying to do is some type of function where I can feed some argumennts, which will generate a dropdown list box for me. I know ASP.NET is much better, but I couldn't figure out how to accomplish similar or even better.When I've done before with classic ASP/VBScript was I have a Sub routine to generate a dropdown list.Example:\[code\]Sub CreateSelectBox(selectboxID, onChangeTrigger, selectedValue, SQLTable, and SQLCondition) ' ... Query the databse from SQLTable, write a SelectBox with option values, and selected the selectedValue for arguments....End Sub\[/code\]So, all I have to do in the any submit form is just one line of code. like this:\[code\]<tr><td><%CreateSelectBox "DropDownList1", "onChangeRunJavascript123();", "Selected123", "SQL_CustomerTable", "where CustomerType = 'Consumer' order by SortOrder ASC" %></td></tr>\[/code\]Please advise a better way to do this in ASP.Net C#, please provide a code sample if possible since I am new.Thanks in advance,