
New Member
Hi,<BR> I am new to this .NET stuff. Does anyone know any good book, easy to follow, has a lot of sample and step by step how to use the Visual Studio .NET? <BR> I appreciate any answers.<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>YusupI have spent ages in bookshops looking out for a simple book with samples on ASP, In my humble opinion there is not much out there yet that gives a simple step by step account - there are a lot of books from Sams and Wrox. Que has ASP.Net by Example - but I did not see too many examples, unlike their excellent ASP by Example. Many of the books seem to give great explanations of the way of doing things but a bit short of practical examples. Sams website has sample chapters and code which you can download. I got their ASP.Net in 24 hours but the code dowloaded bore no resemblance to the examples. I wonder if many of the books on the market were written for the Beta2 version, not knowing if there would be any changes - hence they are full of technical stuff but not too many practical examples.<BR>I wonder also if Scott Mitchell has a book of practical examples in mind? (He wrote one on code reuse on classic ASP that went way above my head but was good to read in a kind of admiration for the knowledge).<BR>