ASP.NET Based Live Chatting System...


Staff member
Here's a question I have been researching for a little while that's been on the back burner.

What I would be attempting to create is a live chatting service that is web based...basically inside an ASP page. Mainly just between 2 least at first.

I'm stuck on the fact that I cannot bind a listening port in ASP.

I thought about doing it through a DB, but in order for the page to check for new messages, it would continually have to refresh. So I'm lead to believe the only way to accomplish this is through ActiveX or JS.

Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts? They are, as always, greatly appreciate. :) I can get more specific on the route I've been taking, but I mainly was just hoping for suggestions on a solution, as opposed to adivice on current code. Thanks again! :DCheck out this guy here....
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Not exactly sure the code behind it as it's not anything I've ever dabbled with, but it's apparently doableLook at the document model for javascript;

You can use the DOM object model to get XML from a server without refreshing. Just update the XML after the data has been downloaded.

Store the data in a database. Create an XML file that packages response. Ordering them on the select query by entry date.

Only one part of the page has to refresh thats when a post occurs. but not really. if you get handy with it you can package it as XML also then post to server with the same interface that you getting data from. This is usually referred to as a WebService but in reality unless you want to dabble in WSDL, I would personally just create an page that reads the incoming XML decides what it needs to do then post it back to the either gets new records or inserts them.Excellent, thank you both for the insight. I like the XML proposal, though I'll have to brush up on my XML, but that sounds like a viable option. Thank you again! :)