ASP.NET and C# Page View Counter: Using a Database


New Member
I'm a working on a project similar to the concept of stackoverflow.comThere will be lots of questions, and I would like to have a Page View Counter for every question.I feel that the best way is to use a database, since the number of questions will be big, and it will increase by time.It would be really easy if I just created a TABLE Question_ViewsAnd have a row for each question.Something like this.\[code\]ID-----Question_ID------Views1-------23--------------4002-------24--------------3013-------25--------------123\[/code\]But does page counters take in consideration the IP Address? means, if I open the webpage of question number 23, and then another day I'll view this question as well, does it increment 1, or 2?And if I need to take in consideration the IP Address, this approach is kind of wrong right?