I'm running ASP.NET 4.0 WEBFORMSThis problem bugs me... I ahve read up on a couple of threads on SO aswell as MSDN, but I think I'm missing the final piece of this Async puzzle....What I want to accomplish is to update a label asynchronously, as a test I have set a button and a label. Then I have a loop which counts from 0 - 9 everytime the loop hits a number equal to or higher than seven i want it to update the label with the number. I have gotten this to work synchronously, but then the label will end up showing only the last number. I have setup all methods and connected the event, but it won't update even though I'm using beginInvoke and asyncresult. At the moment it does not update at all, to much testing got me back to square one? I have managed to get it to update, I even trieds with system.threading.thread.sleep(3000), to see if it updated to quickly, but that didn't work at all? I'm puzzled anyone got a hint on how to achieve this?Here's my codeFirst my counter class\[code\]public class counter{public static event numberHandler FoundNumber;public delegate void numberHandler(string position);public void theAscendator(){ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i >= 7) { string labelText = i.ToString(); if(FoundNumber != null) { FoundNumber.BeginInvoke(labelText, new AsyncCallback(this.SevenAndOver),null); } } }}public void SevenAndOver(IAsyncResult ar){ FoundNumber.EndInvoke(ar);} }\[/code\]Now my mainpage(index.aspx) the codebehind\[code\]public partial class index : System.Web.UI.Page{protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){}private void index_FoundNumber(string position){ // Response.Write(position); Label1.Text = position; // throw new NotImplementedException();}protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ counter counterClass = new counter(); counterClass.theAscendator(); counter.FoundNumber += new counter.numberHandler(index_FoundNumber);}\[/code\]}