2.0 web hosting and clients viewing your pages?


If I start putting some of my ASP.NET 2.0 pages up on a web host that supports it, or just run it from my local IIS, will any clients go to my web url be able to view my pages if they only have the .net framework 1.x installed on their machines?

The only reason I have .net framework 2.0 installed on my machine is because I have 2005 beta 2 installed locally. So I can build 2.0 pages and test them locally running IIS, etc.. but I was wondering if people from the outside would be able to view my web pages WITHOUT having .net 2.0 installed on their local computers?what clients have on their machine does not effect web pages. Only problem you have is I do not think you are allowed to have 2.0 in production legally yet...I might be mistaken...Eric