ASP Help Please


I wonder if anyone can help me out with this ASP problem, I'm sure it's simple but I can't find an answer anywhere.

I'm taking some data from a database which is just text (simliar to this post). What I want is to format the output so it includes P and BR tags where needed.

Any clues would help, cheers.


P.S. Not to keen on the new format with my little browser res!Surely someone can help :(its dam simple take the appropriate recordset values.


add as many fields u want to display as HTML in this fashion...

will work..

add this to the end of the line.... & vbcrlf

so it looks lke this:

response.write"<p>"&recset("text1")&"</p><br>" & vbcrlf

this adds a carriage return to the end of the HTML code, for better readability.