ASP: Getting stuff from DBs


OK... I'm just getting into ASP.NET right now 'cause of work!

If I were to spit stuff out from a database to a web page, in PHP I would write:

connection stuff....
$check = pg_exec ("select * from login where userid='".$_POST['userid']."' and password='".$_POST[password']."'");
$num = pg_numrows($check);

if ($numrows == 0) {
// send them somewhere
} else {
// continue

And I could do

Now I'm trying to do the same in ASP (VB.NET). So far, I've got:

Sub LoginBtn_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)

Dim conn As String = "server=(local)\VSdotNET;database=Invoices;trusted_connection=true"
Dim CheckLogin As String = "select * from login where UserID = '" + UserID.Text +"' and Password = '"+ Password.Text +"'"

And this is where I'm stuck! How do I do the bold stuff up above in here?!?!

If (????) Then
Msg.Text = "Winner!"
Msg.Text = "Looser!"
End If

End Sub

Any help, even a site where I can find the info would be greatly appreciated. I've looked but could not fine... frankly, didn't know how to type that in google?!?!

TIAI sense bitterness about learning ASP......

ASP's recordsets have a nifty little attribute called EOF so you do something like this

set db = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") "DB Info here"
set recSet = db.execute("SELECT * FROM TABLE")

if not(recSet.eof) then
Response.write("The Query Is Scottish<BR>")
while not(recSet.eof)
for each field in recSet.fields()
Response.write( & " = " & field & "<BR>")
Response.write("The Query Is Crap!")
end if

set recSet = nothing
set db = nothing

There's your very generic intro to ASP recordsets (complete with cleanup - although I'm not sure if .NET has a better way of doing that)

Hope this helps ya out.putts .EOF does not exsist in ADO.NET.

You are going to need to use a datareader in the system.oledb class library.


Dim CheckLogin As String = "select * from login where UserID = '" + UserID.Text +"' and Password = '"+ Password.Text +"'"

change to:

Dim CheckLogin As String = "select * from login where UserID = '" & UserID.Text & "' and Password = '" & Password.Text & "'"

When you are concatenating strings you should never use the + sign always use &.

I'm not very fimliar with php, but it looks to me like your checking to see if login credentials are correct:

Sub LoginBtn_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)

If LoginValid(strID, strPwd) Then


lblError.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Private Function LoginValid( _
ByVal LoginID As String, _
ByVal Password As String) As Boolean

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim boolFound As Boolean

' Retrieve connection string.
strConn = 'connection string here

strSQL = 'SQL String

'Execute query and return count of valid records
boolFound = (CInt(ExecuteScalar(strSQL, strConn)) > 0)

If Not boolFound Then
lblError.Visible = True
End If

Catch exp As Exception
lblError.Visible = True
lblError.Text = exp.Message

End Try

Return boolFound
End Function

Public Shared Function ExecuteScalar( _
ByVal SQL As String, _
ByVal ConnectionString As String) As Object

Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand()
Dim Value As Object

With cmd
.Connection = _
New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)

.CommandText = SQL
Value = .ExecuteScalar()
End With


End Try

Return Value
End FunctionRyan,

Any ideas on why they got rid of the EOF function in .NET.

That seams very cracked up as that was like a staple of a lot of ASP coded pages that I've ever used?

The only thing that I can think of is that I know there's functions built right into .NET to populate select boxes using a recordset with the .fill method and stuff like that. Is it assumed that all those functions made the EOF obsolete? I haven't coded .NET more than a few pages, but it's hard for me to imagine that that is the case, but I have been wrong before like once - I think.

Sorry for distracting your thread.Originally posted by putts

Any ideas on why they got rid of the EOF function in .NET.

That seams very cracked up as that was like a staple of a lot of ASP coded pages that I've ever used?

The only thing that I can think of is that I know there's functions built right into .NET to populate select boxes using a recordset with the .fill method and stuff like that. Is it assumed that all those functions made the EOF obsolete? I haven't coded .NET more than a few pages, but it's hard for me to imagine that that is the case, but I have been wrong before like once - I think.

Sorry for distracting your thread.

Correct! Most of the controls in .NET have a databind method that binds them to a datasource. .NET introduces something called a dataset that is suppoed to be more powerful than a recordset. You can still use recordsets in .NET, but they are not the preferred way of doing things. As you see in my code above I use a datareader which is a way of creating a dataset and it has a .Read method that works similar to .EOF in recordsets.