.asp Form/SQL Server 2005 question

Hello there, i'm fairly new to doing form programming, and i have what i hope is an easy question for you pros out there:

I already have the form page built, but now i'm trying to have a link where the user can click (in my example, which is attached... it's the "view previous CIP entries" link) and it opens up a separate search page... (the entire form has about 30 fields, but i only want 3 different search fields to be displayed/used to locate the appropriate entry).
i would like a list of each of the database entries that match their search criteria to be shown as a hyperlink, and clicking on any of the links takes them back to that specific filled-in form (which has the exact same format as the blank form).

i'm attaching a document showing the kind of process i'm talking about.
of course, the last step would be for the form to be auto-filled in with whichever search result they clicked on.

hope this makes sense... any basic coding examples? including the required SQL connection?

thanks!since my thread got moved... bump :)one more bump :-/
anyone?not exactly sure what you are asking.thx for the reply afterburn...

k, basically what i'm going for is this:
1) a web form exists for users to fill out (it has about 35 fields)... it submits the info to a sql server db (this step is already complete and working)

the next steps, however, aren't complete yet:
2) users can select a "search results" button to access the data that's already been entered
3) only 3 or 4 fields will show up on the search page. for example, they will be able to search by name, ssn, or portfolio (NOT all 35 fields)
4) their search results will be displayed (for example, all forms submitted by john doe) where each entry (or line in the database) is a link.
5) when they click on the link they want (say, link 4 out of a possible 10 that john filled out), the page pulls that single database line and populates the form

therefore, the users can pull up any previous form and see it in the same format in which it was submitted... instead of seeing a table, spreadsheet, etc.

hope that clears it up some, if not let me know.