ASP datagrid is this possbile question?


New Member
I was wondering if it would be possible to in the first row in a datagrid to be able to add a new record and the rest of the datagrid to have the edit/delete buttons? Right now I have the add part as a seperate just a table(not a datagrid) works fine but would be cool if it was all in one. Are they any articles on this? (I checked but none cover this topic) or insights?<BR><BR>MattYou might be able to do something in your headerTemplate that would handle that so the top record was just an add. Just a thoughthmm that is like a hack. It would work no differently than what I have now. But I do have an idea. Add a blank row to the first row before filling my datagrid and set the first row to edit. If they choose to edit a different record they can and if they decide later they want to add a new record they can click on the first row edit button and on the back end determine if its the first row or not and then decide to do an insert or a update.<BR><BR>Matt