ASP Classic: twitter and facebook autoposting without signing in


New Member
In work I got a task (we MUST work with ASP Classic by the way...): when user posts a blog, a link to that blog should be posted automatically on user's facebook timeline and in his twitter. I made everything working, but there is one problem: user needs to be signed in to post. I've made the cheking if he's logged in, and if not he must log in.BUT I NEED to avoid the logging-in step and make it automatic (by sending user's username and password as part of the data sent to twitter/facebook or something like that), but I can't figure out how to do that or if it's even possible at all...Any ideas? Would greatly appreciate any help ;}P.S.: for the twitter part I used the facebook part I used a combination of: works, but is it possible to automatize the user's sign-in part?thanx in advance for any help ;]