Asp classic on iis7 dns less connection issue


New Member
I cant get dns less connection to Ms Access db to work here the code.In the dbconnection.asp file is this\[code\]Dim MM_IMT_STRING''MM_IMT_STRING = "dsn=EDA;"MM_IMT_STRING =("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\essel\Connections\EDA.mdb")\[/code\]and in the default.asp is this \[code\]<!--#include file="Connections/dbconnection.asp" -->Dim CHANNELDim CHANNEL_numRowsSet CHANNEL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")CHANNEL.ActiveConnection = MM_IMT_STRING\[/code\]I have been struggling with this issue for days now, if someone know why its not linking up please tell me thanks.