asp classic object to javascript object and make objects slide down


New Member
anyone here knows how to store ASP collection to Javascript collection? I got a code from my previous post but didn't put it to work i must have put the codes in the wrong places. Im currently developing an app wherein once the document is ready each variable from the ASP colection will move down one at a time. I decided to use jquery to slide down each value since it has a slideDown event. but when i slide down the items from the collection slides down all at the same time. anyone here has an idea on how to do this or suggestions on a better way to do this?\[code\]<% Dim objDictionary, Key,searchWord, myVar,a,i, break searchWord = request.QueryString("searchWord") Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objDictionary.CompareMode=1 objDictionary.Add "Hello","hello" objDictionary.Add "Age","age" objDictionary.Add "height","height" objDictionary.Add "sample","sample" objDictionary.Add "words","words" Response.Write "<div id='toFall'>" if objDictionary.Exists(searchWord) then objDictionary.Remove(searchWord) a = objDictionary.Keys for i=0 to objDictionary.Count-1 Response.Write( "<div class='fall'>" + a(i)) Response.write("<br />") Response.write("</div>") next set objDictionary=nothing else a = objDictionary.Keys for i=0 to objDictionary.Count-1 Response.Write( "<div class='fall'>" + a(i)) Response.write("<br />") Response.write("</div>") next set objDictionary=nothing end if Response.write "</div>" 'got this code from my previous post but didn't got it working Sub CollectionToJavaScript(oCollection, sClientSideName) Dim blnFirst blnFirst = True Response.Write("<" & "script" & " type=""text/javascript"">") Response.Write("var " & sClientSideName & " = {") For Each key In objDictionary.Keys If Not(blnFirst) Then Response.Write(", ") Response.Write( key & ": " & objDictionary(key) ) blnFirst = false Next Response.Write("};") Response.Write("</" & "script>") Call CollectionToJavaScript (objDictionary, "myCollection") End Sub %>\[/code\]