ASP classic error on Onclick event


New Member
Hi i'm having error on my page because of this line. The error appears after i included the IsConsultant function. May i know if I coded it right?? This is asp classic\[code\]Response.Write linefeed & "ONCLICK=""onEditClick('"& sRole &"','"& sUser &"',IsConsultant('" & iReqId &"') ) """\[/code\]here is the complete portion of that code.\[code\]<TD ALIGN="right" ><INPUT TYPE="button" CLASS="button" ID="btn_Edit" NAME="btn_Edit" VALUE=""<%if iRecords = 0 OR sTemp=8 Or bShowAllChecked Or bOthers Then Response.Write " DISABLED " Response.Write " style='background-Color:#dcdcdc'"end if Response.Write linefeed & "ONCLICK=""onEditClick('"& sRole &"','"& sUser &"',IsConsultant('" & iReqId &"') ) """%> ONFOCUS="showStatusBarMessage(T0120)" ONBLUR="hideStatusBarMessage()"></TD>\[/code\]Thanks!