ASP Classic Connection to SQL Server 2008 error 80004005 Login Failed


New Member
I'm trying to setup a connection between ASP Classic and SQL Server 2008 Express on a Windows 7 local environment. Today has been my first attempt ever at this, and I have spent hours and hours researching to no avail. The best I can do is get a failed login.Here's the connection string (one of many tried):\[code\]Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=mycompname\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=theDBName;Integrated Security=SSPI\[/code\]The error:\[quote\] Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005' Cannot open database "theDBName" requested by the login. The login failed.\[/quote\]What I want:Just anything that will connect a database to my ASP Classic page (I normally work in LAMP)! This is not for a live site, so for the time being, that's my only consideration. Just getting it done. :(Any ideas?