New Member
Im working on a new company, and they have a classic asp application.Nobody knows how to configure it, so im having a bad time.The problem is that when the code calls something like that:\[code\]<img src="http://stackoverflow.com/images/TesteiraHome.png" />\[/code\]on a URL like: \[code\]http://localhost/myApplication/index.asp\[/code\]the IIS tries to get the IMG from the URL: \[code\]http://localhost/images/TesteiraHome.png\[/code\]How can i set the "base" url for my application, so the iis will try to catch the image from \[code\]http://localhost/myApplication/images/TesteiraHome.png\[/code\]ThanksEDIT:I dont wanna refactor all the project. Isn't there any IIS configuration to make it understand that / means locahost/myapp/ ??