ASP (C#) Code deleted but still outputting


New Member
I have removed several functions from my Codebehind .aspx.cs page. However the webpages are still calling the functions even though I do not call them nor to the functions actually exist anymore.The code is working exactly like it did prior to removal...I have no idea what is going on. Things I have tried:
  • Navigated to the pages using different computers and browsers.
  • Restarted IIS Services
  • Restarted IIS Application Pool for Website
  • Searched entire project for code that is being called
  • Clearning ASP Cache using following code:\[code\]public void ClearApplicationCache()\[/code\]{ List keys = new List();\[code\]// retrieve application Cache enumeratorSystem.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = Cache.GetEnumerator();// copy all keys that currently exist in Cachewhile (enumerator.MoveNext()){ keys.Add(enumerator.Key.ToString());}// delete every key from cachefor (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++){ Cache.Remove(keys);}\[/code\]}
  • ASP 2
  • IIS 6
  • Windows Server 2003
  • XP / 7 to browsse (Chrome/IE)
Is the code cached somewhere?? I am rendered clueless.