ASP+ Available for download


New Member
The tech preview that has been discussed is now available for download at <BR><BR>Have Fun,<BR>John(Quoted from the 4Guys homepage...)<BR><BR>UPDATE (08/07/2000) 4:53 PST: The link seems to bring up a blank HTML page... Hmmm... perhaps Microsoft accidentally released the bits too early, a mistake? I&#039ll keep you updated on the status of this! <BR><BR>UPDATE (08/07/2000) 5:11 PST: While the .NET home page is blank, you can still get directly to the SDK to download @ It&#039s a long download, but I&#039d hurry up and suck it down... I don&#039t know if Microsoft accidentally slipped up in releasing the bits too soon... grab them now before you have to wait another month!<BR>Ah, there was no mistake, Microsoft has officially released the bits... at this time the homepage is still blank for me... however, you can access the bits @<BR><BR>Microsoft warns: "This pre-beta software should only be installed on non-production test machines. Windows? 2000 (including IIS) and Internet Explorer 5.5 are required."