ASP / ASP.NET / etc.


Hey guys, since my two primary most "intensive"
sites are now converted to PHPNuke, basicly
meaning no more constent PHP/MySQL, etc. problems
to keep me busy, learning new stuff,
and keeping skills up to date.

So I've been thinking of learning beginner/rookie-ish
level of ASP; but I need some help :(

1) I'm using Windows XP Home, but I have Apache installed
as my web server for personal use; will ASP run?

2) What downloads, etc. will I need for ASP?

3) What different "types" of ASP are there? I've
heard talk of "ASP", "ASP.NET" and "ASPX" (or similiar)...

4) Can someone point out the best
sites for *basic* tutorials?i would suggest
i have been working with it for a month or so ..

in you got :

aspx files (just like asp -tags but pretty different)
from each aspx file you got a .vb or c# or j# file you can program in whatever language behind the files.

now this is th?biggest advantage of .NET so i you would have to choose choose: cuz this is the future.

what do you need?
microsoft visual studio .net 2003

and you'll need to configure your server
you can work with sql server 2000, access , as databases.

you can do beautifull things..woah woah we have another ASP/Anime fans on our hands.....shweet Jesus, keep the good times rolling. :D

Anyway, Leon, go with .NET if you can. It's THE MOST POWERFUL WEB LANGUAGE out there today.

Unfortunately, I've only been able to dabble with it as my employers won't shell out the dough/time to get it in place.

I say "if you can" because it can get expensive if you can't score a .NET license through a school/business/college.

Though, if you're planning on going to any one of these soon, you might be able to "borrow" a copy until you do. ;)

ASP is cool too, but I think you'll find what I found when I started learning PHP - They both have basically the same capabilities for your typical programmer and it all comes down to which syntax you prefer (unless you truly hate EVERYTHING M$, but it doesn't sound like that's the case :D)

Well good luck and don't be bashful about the questions.

<edit>BTW, Evangelion rocks the cazba</edit>Originally posted by darktown
what do you need?
microsoft visual studio .net 2003

Not trying to be anal, darktown, but I'd like to clarify this, because the cost of VS.NET could be a stumbling block for people trying to get their foot in the door to .NET. While VS.NET speeds development, you don't NEED it. You simply need a text editor to write your source files and the .NET framework and SDK to compile the files. If you still want a GUI, another alternative is the free Web Matrix:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Originally</a><!-- m --> posted by putts

Unfortunately, I've only been able to dabble with it as my employers won't shell out the dough/time to get it in place.

We would have the problem if we weren't a MS Certified Partner.

MCP = free stuff :DOriginally posted by rdove
We would have the problem if we weren't a MS Certified Partner.

MCP = free stuff :D

Blast you and your coolness!!!!SDK?

As well, what I've not heard is will
this work using an Apache server?
I'm on Windows XP as I said, but I'm using
Apache because I mainly do PHP...

As well I believe my computer, by default,
had "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1" installed?

As well, will this work using MySQL as the database?
I don't care, really, to learn another one but if its
going to be required, I will (or try) :)Originally posted by Leonisknovo

As well, what I've not heard is will
this work using an Apache server?
I'm on Windows XP as I said, but I'm using
Apache because I mainly do PHP...

As well I believe my computer, by default,
had "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1" installed?
SDK = Software Development Kit
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... laylang=en</a><!-- m -->

You will not be able to use Apache with ASP.NET. MySQL works with ASP, so I'd guess it would work with .NET as well. You're right, your machine probably did come with the .NET Framework preinstalled.

Also, for good sites, 4GuysFromRolla is a good place to start:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> downloadedd the SDK, but no where can
I find where I can download IIS :confused:

Anybody got a link to a XP Home Edition -friendly
version of IIS? perferbly pre-configured to accept
PHP/MySQL/ASP ??Originally posted by Leonisknovo

As well, will this work using MySQL as the database?
I don't care, really, to learn another one but if its
going to be required, I will (or try) :)

The joy of ASP's is that they have no "preference" built into them like PHP and mySQL.

To connect to a database you have to have a variable that you "open"

Something like...

dim sqlConx
set sqlConx = server.createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION") "driver={SQL Server};server=;uid=MYLOGIN;" &_

so, all databases work the same, you just have to find a sample of the one you want to do (mySQL, MSSQL, DB2, ORACLE, MS ACCESS) which is found easily enough through a google searchhmm; well few questions tho:

1) Can IIS and Apache cooperative run?
If not can someone explain how to setup IIS on
Windows XP Home Edition so it'll run ASP, .NET, PHP, and MySQL?

2) I cannot find a IIS download link for XP Home Edition;
does anybody know where I'd find one?

3) I cannot even find an "official" ASP site to download
the ASP praser from, etc.IIS and Apache can both be on the same machine, but running the services simultaneously won't get you anywhere. I stop and start the services as I need.

IIS is not officially supported on XP Home, and you cannot download IIS from the web. There is a workaround to running IIS on XP home here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
but it not supported by MS and it involves editing your registry. Proceed at your own risk.

If you take the risk, you can run ASP, ASP.NET and PHP all with IIS. You must install the Windows version of PHP, but that's it. MySQL runs independant of a web server, so no worries there.

And if you take the risk, IIS is your ASP parser, although I think that the Web Matrix tool from MS provides some kind of server-less interpreter.I have no idea, nor really wish to, about
editing my registry, as I do not wish to risk it...

Is there a MS supported version you know of
that will run on XP Home Edition??

As well, IIS will automaticly prase ASP?
So I do not need to install ASP as I did for PHP?Yes, you are correct, you don't have to install ASP. If you were to install IIS, then you will automatically be able to parse ASP files. But, no, there is no MS-supported way to run IIS on XP Home Edition.Well, what I'm saying is are any of these versions
like for Windows NT or something, etc. can they run
on XP Home Edition, even though MS will not give you support?Not sure if this will help but there is a program called "personal web server" which i have hearad of using to apply asp to web pages. I am currently using a test server which my boss set up for me, and now that i think about it, maybe "pws" only works on win NThmm I came across 'personal web server' someplace
on the MS website, but I think it was only for
Windows 9x :confused:Originally posted by Leonisknovo
hmm I came across 'personal web server' someplace
on the MS website, but I think it was only for
Windows 9x :confused:

I believe that would be correct.`hmm would PWS work for XP Home Edition?
If so can you give me the link? (forgot it)You can download the NT Option Pack here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... efault.asp</a><!-- m -->
which includes PWS, I believe you can install it by itself. I'm not guaranteeing anything, though. Just remember, if you try to install it and it screws up your PC, XP has that rollback feature :)hmm b4 I do this I got a question:

Does anybody here have a Windows-hosted and can provide
a small, say, 10MB space, 300MB/bandwidth subdomain?

If so, I could set up an account with same stats
on my Linux-hosted website, in exchange...You might want to try making a post in the Domains and Web Hosting (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... forumid=35</a><!-- m -->) or Traffic Traders (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) forums. You'll probably get a better response there. Since you've already got this thread started on a different subject, I don't think it would be considered cross-posting :)Alrighty, with help of Leo pointing out a free
ASP host, I've now gotten an ASP enabled host;
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

They have the following support:

100 MB of Space
Instant Account Activation
Online Control Panel
Online Unzip Capability
Unlimited Bandwidth
Active Server Pages Support - ASP 3.0
Free Database Connectivity:
MS Access databases
Macromedia Shockwave support

So few Questions:

1) Is ASP 3.0 the latest "stable" release?
If not, how old is it?

2) Can somebody point out the most complete
ASP tutorial site on the web? :PYep, ASP 3.0 is the latest (and last) version of classic ASP (i.e.- not ASP.NET). It's been out since the latter half of 1999 when Windows 2000 Server was released.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Has tons of great step-by-step tutorials to get you up and running on ASP.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Is by far the best site for more specific tutorials and tips for ASP. They've moved more to the .NET side of things, but they still have a ton of great classic ASP stuff. I highly recommend them as you get more adept at ASP.