
Hi all,

I have a question regarding porting from ASP and ASPX. I have an sample asp file that launches a child window (which takes a while to load). The child window then calls back a function on the opener. This works fine

Now I am trying to integrate in an application. In this case the launching page is an ASPX file with an added codebehind file. In this case when I do an opener.callback() function call, I get a permission denied error.

Any idea why ?

See attached text1.txt and text2.aspx (the equivalent of default.asp) in the zip file

thanks in advance

AmitIs there a URL it on the web, so we can see whats going on in the script.I'm in a bit of a hurry now but I will look at your code later today. Are the files possibly located on different domains? Or what is this permission denied error then? Which file, what's the exact error message and its line number? thanks :)Hi,

I will try and put up an URL online. However my development machine is behind a firewall and also the page that pops up is a login based application. I will see if I can do it.

A short explnation of what happens is
1. The files that I have attached pop up a new HTML page that loads the application
2. Once the application loads it calls the callback function on the opening page to do further scripting
3. the pages are indeed on the same domain

So what is the problem with permissions. The line of code in application that is causing error is window.opener.callback(). Although the child window has an handle to opener(I checked) its being denied permission

The approach fails only with ASPX page and not with ASP. I have absolutely no experience with .net and aspx. Are security settings different ?

AmitIt could if I saw the HTML output of the files. With ASP/ASPX code in it, I don't know exactly what is printed. They both also use some .js file, is that file exactly the same for both? And the permission denied is a JavaScript error?Hi,

What I am trying is fairly convoluted so I am not surprised that error came up

Here is what is happening

the .asp and .aspx pages call a javascript function (in the included javascript file which is exactly the same in both cases) That function opens a new window in the same domain and WRITES HTML on it

after that an application starts loading in child window. It uses a javascript file (loaded while writing the above html) to reply to the parent window that its finished loading.

It is at that call that I am getting a pemission denied error. I am stumped because the only place I know permission denied error hapeens is accross domains. This is definitely the same domain. Can a permission denied error happen is some other case

Amitare you using RegisterClientScript to render the Script?

Is it an page that is attempting to modify the page?