ASP and Access


Staff member
Quick question about ASP. This is not a "how" just an "if."

Am I right to assume that I can use ASP/ASP.NET to work with an Access database on a server through a webpage?

Say to add new values to a/multiple table(s), edit those values, etc through a web site.

Lastly, is there any other language capable of working with an Access database on a web server, or is this strictly a Microsoft thing?Yes, ASP and Access are commonly used together and yes, you can update the database via web pages.

There are other languages you can use, PHP is probably the most popular one. The language and database you choose generally depends on your server and what it supports.if you already have an access database, then you're definitely prolly gonna want to use ASP as most servers that support Access databases are usually MS servers and usually mainly support ASPThanks.

Yeah the Access database already exists. I'm probably going to have tomodify quite a bit, but the foundation is basically done.

I'm not sure what kind of server this will be running on yet, nor what kind of languages the server supports, but hopefully I will be finding that out soon so I can get going on this.Does JSP do Access as well? I'm just looking at my options here, I'm not sure this server supports ASP. It runs on generating pages mostly with JSP and some PHP. I'll know more next week though.JSP would but I doubt that you would need such a technology.

JSP is really handy for large businesses that want to have a back-end developer and a front-end designer. It's quite a heavy duty language that's got a fairly steep learning curve as well as a pretty nasty setup procedure.

ASP is usually the easiest for people to get into, especially ones that have already done stuff in Access (as the most-widely used language used within ASP is VBScript which is very similar to the VBA used in Access) and because if you have Win 2000 or XP Pro then you already have IIS which is pre-setup with the ability to process ASP pages.

PHP is a little more popular among do-it-yourselfers and that fact is very evident in the percentage majority of PHP-help among the internet.Classic ASP and Access are in my opinion, the easiest and quickest to learn. The most difficult part is that there is no development environment. So, coding errors can be frequent.

The good news is that there is lots of help (and example code) on ASP. The one thing to know is that it can be rather important to estimate the number of simultaneous web users. I think Access will handle most low to moderate traffic applications. But, database intensive applications with high user traffic would benefit from SQL server instead.

That becomes a major step, but one that should be considered carefully in application design.I agreed w/ u longcall. Access is not suitable for large high traffic website. I have experienced this many times in my website with the Access locking problem. If the cuncurrent users reach to more than 80. The speed decrease. I will give PHP a try that way I will know both server scripts.

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DexterOriginally posted by dexterz
If the cuncurrent users reach to more than 80. The speed decrease. I have had slow page loads with fewer than 10 concurrent users. I think a connectionless DSN might improve that, but don't know for sure.

I suppose it also depends on the server config, especially available RAM.
