ASP/ADO + JavaScript


Hey guys, i need some advice on the best way to extend some functionality on my purchasing system.

I have a section that queries records and displays them in a table. Each record has little buttons, like update or delete. They use javascript to pass an ASP page the record ID in a new window, and it just performs the updates and closes itself.

I need to implement batch functionality. I am gonna be placing checkboxes on each record, and just loop through the set of them to get all the IDs. Now what's the best way to pass those IDs to an ASP page? The single record way was to pass a URL variable of the ID... should i construct a long string of, say, underscore separated numbers and then parse that later? Or is there a better way?

Another question i've always had on my mind... there isn't a way to execute SQL commends client-side, is there? I know you somewhat can in ASP.NET, but this system is on regular ASP.

Thanks.Pass them as comma delimited just as if they would normally.

In SQL you can do an "in" statement that can grab the records in question

sql = "Select * from table where id in (" & Request.QueryString("Var") & ")"

then loop through them all.Originally posted by afterburn
Pass them as comma delimited just as if they would normally.

In SQL you can do an "in" statement that can grab the records in question

sql = "Select * from table where id in (" & Request.QueryString("Var") & ")"

then loop through them all.
that's awesome, thanks man =)