I've got to make a single page website for a client of mine, and the Ascensor.js plugin seems to do everything I need it to do. However, I cant for the life of me get it working.http://kirkas.ch/ascensor/#/HomeOriginally I was trying to get it working within a WordPress theme but I gave up and tried to just get it working exactly as the example on the website, no joy.Heres the code;\[code\]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14585872/js/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14585872/js/jquery.ascensor.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14585872/js/jquery.scrollTo-min.js"></script></head><body><script>$('#ascensorBuilding').ascensor({AscensorName:'ascensor',ChildType:'section',AscensorFloorName:'Home | Implementation | HTML',Time:1000,WindowsOn:1,Direction:'chocolate',AscensorMap:'2|1 & 2|2 & 3|2',Easing:'easeInOutQuad',KeyNavigation:true,Queued:false,});</script><div id="ascensorBuilding"> <section> <article class="container_12"> <h1>Home</h1> </article> </section> <section> <article class="container_12"> <h1>About</h1> </article> </section> <section> <article class="container_12"> <h1>Contact</h1> </article> </section></div></body></html>\[/code\]This really should be working as i've followed the example exactly. Ive tried it with and without the classes on the article elements (I think the plugin is supposed to create these). Has anyone got experience with this plugin that can give me some help?Thanks in advance!