Article Submissions & Basic Seo tips


New Member
I have a few questions to improve page rank etc

Which is the best site for submitting articles to for a website press release?

also does it matter if I really want UK traffic to my site if I was to use a USA based press release site?

What effect does's changing my home page have to google search results if any?

also any useful tips are greatly recieved!

and yes if you hadnt guessed its all very new to me!
Hi a few answers to the best of my knowledge to those questions. So the best websites for submitting articles to are high authority wesbites like Ezine Articles, Hubpages, Squidoo, Articlesbase etc Here is a list of high authority article sites sorted by PR

It doesn't really matter too much if you are using US sites to publish your articles however if you prefer Uk traffic then maybe look at using more UK based article sites but personally as a person who runs a UK business I have had traffic from both US and the UK and has not done me any wrong.

When you say changing your home page do you mean updating your home page or completely changing the design and content. If you want to establish rankings in google I would look for an SEO design that works and good search engine optimised copy that visitors will enjoy reading. i wouldn't change the whole design of your website very often as it will confuse Google and could reindex your site negatively. I would highly encourage updating the content on your site regularly as the Google spiders like this and will encourage them to keep coming back more often.

If your a beginner to SEO I would Google basic SEO and get some basic reading on simple SEO factors you can do. Here is a site I just found looking on Google to give you some tips on basics