Arrrghhh Attachments !


Hi all : <br />
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<BODY><br />
<A HRef="MyFile.doc">Click Here For File</A><br />
</BODY><br />
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When I put the above in, it'll open the word doc up in a new Internet Explorer window. <br />
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How can I get this to Download <!--more--> to the PC rather than open it up ? <br />
You know when the sites give you a dialog box for where to put the file, then an all singing, all dancing MS progressbar for how long this'll take. <br />
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Is this easy ? :eek:<br />
How can I do it please <br />
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Thanks !! :D<!--content-->Firstly, welcome to HTMLForums.<br />
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I don't know of a way to do this. But you can always zip it and offer it as Zip.<!--content-->Thank you ;)<br />
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I was interested in finding a way without zipping, as I can't find it anywhere, think I might have to go with this option though :eek:<br />
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Thanks for the reply :)<!--content-->Hi<br />
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with help of right click and save target as. you can Download <!--more--> it in ur pc harddisk.<br />
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Amruta..<!--content-->Yes, I know that, but you cannot force users to do that.<!--content-->Well you know what users are like, another way is shift & click a link, but even me putting instructions to do this on the page would cause problems :rolleyes:<br />
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I'm doing this for an intranet site, with real dumn-ass users here :D zip files would confuse the hell out of them (especially as most haven't got winzip installed) , so I might go with this instead. :eek:<!--content-->you could always just rename it....then again u said it would be dumba** users, probably wont know how to rename! lol<br />
well i think you should zip, as there is no other way around it, if i was you i'd tell the dumbasses to learn winRAR.........NOT winZIP, i like it better :D<br />
later<br />
gatty<!--content-->They'd probably find WinRAR more complicated.<!--content-->yes thats very true!<br />
but i was just joking around, know what i eman :D<br />
i just reckon winRAR is<br />
later<br />