New Member
Of the following examples, the top two return [object, object], but the third returns what I would expect from the first two, which is "Next"\[code\]alert(sceChoicesArr);alert(sceChoicesArr[0]);alert(sceChoicesArr[0].text());\[/code\]Here's the array being created:\[code\]var sceChoicesArr = [];$(xml).find('choice').each(function(){sceChoicesArr.push($(this));});\[/code\]And here's the bit of xml it's looking for in the line above:\[code\]<choice>Next</choice>\[/code\]I'm trying to spit out the array into html, and I keep writing things out off examples like the ones on this page: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9541570/display-all-item-in-array-using-jquery but none of these examples seem to be able to pull out the value inside the array, as when I check it out with an alert, all I'm getting is [object, object]So my question is, what is [object, object], and why am I getting that instead of "Next"?It seems to me that the only value of my array should equate to ["Next"]