How i can output my array without quotes on this situation\[code\]for($i=1; $i <= date("d"); $i++) { $days[] = $i; }echo json_encode($days); // ouput [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]\[/code\]This first on is fine, but on the second one\[code\]for($i=1;$i <= date("d"); $i++) { $Sql = "SELECT COUNT(Stats_Clicks) AS Total FROM tabstats WHERE DAY(Stats_Date) = $i AND MONTH(Stats_Date) = $month AND YEAR(Stats_Date) = $year "; $Query = mysql_query($Sql,$Conn) or die (mysql_error($Conn)); $Rs = mysql_fetch_array($Query); $clicks[] = $Rs['Total']; } echo json_encode($clicks);\[/code\]json output returns this\[code\]["1","1","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"]\[/code\]i need this without quotes on this format.