i am a fairly new to the web biz and was wondering how i might be able to make a link from an array object. BASICALLY I HAVE DIFFERENT IMAGES FOR DIFFERENT DAYS OF THE WEEK, BUT I WANT THOSE IMAGES TO LINK TO ANOTHER PAGE. the array that writes the images is below. -thanks!!!!!!!
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
Preview= new Array()
Preview[1]="<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/APR.preview1>"
Preview[2]="<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=APR.preview1>"
Preview[3]="<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=APR.preview1>"
//array continues to Preview[31]
RightNow = new Date()
var TodaysPreview = Preview[RightNow.getDate()]
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
Preview= new Array()
Preview[1]="<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/APR.preview1>"
Preview[2]="<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=APR.preview1>"
Preview[3]="<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=APR.preview1>"
//array continues to Preview[31]
RightNow = new Date()
var TodaysPreview = Preview[RightNow.getDate()]