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The asp classic code below suddenly broke when our webhost upgraded to Windows Server 2008 and IIS7. The arguments that are declared in the procedure(theheading, thetext, and maxlenght) are lost(null/empty) inside the if-statement for some reason. Naturally this generates errors in the following lines of code. The arguments are accessible and contains the correct data before and during the if-statement but not inside?I'm not the author of this (very old) code and I havn't dealt with asp in 10 years. What am I missing?\[code\]Function cropWithTip(theheading, thetext, maxlenght) If Len(Trim(thetext)) > maxlenght Then Dim thecrop thecrop = Trim(Left(thetext, maxlenght-3)) thecrop = Replace(thecrop, vbcrlf, " ") thetext = Replace(thetext, "'", "’") thetext = Replace(thetext, """", """) thetext = Replace(thetext, vbcrlf, "<br >") thetext = Replace(thetext, chr(10), "") thetext = Replace(thetext, chr(13), "") thetext = "<span class=""crop"" onMouseOver=""stm('" & theheading & "', '" & thetext & "');"" onMouseOut=""htm();"">" & thecrop & "...</span>" End If cropWithTip = thetextEnd Function\[/code\]