Are you interrested in a job?


Staff member

Im am the loeader of a PC game Clan. We are verry activ and we want to get bigger.

in order to get bigger we wat to create an gamers comunity who plays PC games....(at time Black & White and counterstrike) and small online games like memory and so on. know we need ppl who writing for us small online games...

but i have 1 problem.. for know i cant pay you anything..... cose we dont have a sponsor right know.. but im looking for one.

this community should be an german comunity..... thats perhaps an other problem...

so if you want to do this job with me please contact me on icq 61758008. or per email <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->

thank you verry mutch !

JOnathan JOnes