Are Page Jump Links in Frames Possible?


New Member
One more question and I'm good to go. :)

I'm creating a page that has three frames on it.

Frame A runs along the left side of the page and is where I have all the site links for the page (i.e.: "home", "site map", "links", "contact me", all that jazz.) Frame A stays the same all the time no matter what.

Frame B runs along the very top 10 % of the right side of the screen and has a series of page jumps to certain points in the document that is in Frame C.

Frame C is the remaining 90 % of the right side and contains the data. I've got the page jump links inserted already and they work as far as taking you to the points where they're supposed to.

What I want to do is be able to click on the link in Frame B and have that link jump to the point in the document in Frame C that was clicked on in Frame B. I don't want another window to open and I don't want the data clicked on in Frame B to appear in Frame B. (The effects I'm getting right now.)

How do I write my page jump link in Frame B up so that it will work right?
