Are my pages OK?????


Hi Somebody,<br />
I hope you all don't mind me asking you to look at my first ever attempt at building web pages, as I feel that what I am seeing in hometown AOL is not what everyone will see. There are three problems ( I think??? )- <br />
1 = are all the pages in the center of the screen? as AOL easy designer keeps taking the code off.<br />
2 = Is the blending of each page working? as the address of the pages differ wether I us my image or links, even though they have the same details.<br />
3 = Is the AOL hometown banner on every page? as when I go through all the pages the banners amount to five by the end of the site, leaving hardly any screen for viewing.<br />
I thank anyone now for taking the time to have a look and tell me if the above is happening out on the <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://WWW">WWW</a><!-- w -->. />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->This is my advice... there are many free web hosts out there. I suggest you find one other than AOL. Let me give you a hint, FTP access, no advertisements and CGI support. These are the things that you should look for in a web host. There are too many problems with the one you are using right now.<!--content-->Your website is not my cup of tea, but it looks OK for an easydesigner site. <br />
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The AOL is banner is at the top of every page but it doesn't increase in size as I looked through the site. <br />
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I looked at a few pages and they are centered at 800 x 600 resolution but not at higher resolution. The pages have a large margin on the right side at higher res.<br />
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I'm not sure what you mean by blending...but the website has a consistent look as you go from page to page, (they are all overdone however)<br />
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Do as silent suggests above. Use AOL for your ISP but find a better website host to use.<br />
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I've looked at this website before....<br />
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Regards,<br />