Are links like this bad?

Well, my site is tech and gaming based, so I try hard to keep the keywords right, and my comments on blogs etc on related blogs and so on, however I get a few random websites using my links like this:

The Ethics of Pervasive Fiction is NOTHING to do with my site. Does stuff like this annoy Google and make my site drop in rank? Its someone else doing it so what can I do? Just wondering. If all is good, I wont worry about it. Guys if you get quality link than its more better but Google evaluate each links if your link is relevant than its give more probability otherwise less. ashley sometimes is you are i the wrong area it may damage your seo , or in the good case u will work for nothing No this not bad. You are helping search engines for making a good index. This will really help you. Google does it's best to evaluate incoming links to your site. You can't do anything about who links to you.

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+ Friend it is not bad but if your links is according to your work , that is will be better for you... like if you have a movies like then your subdomain should have relevencey according to this domain. This type of link should not penalize your site, no link should. As otherwise it would be a trivial matter knock out your competition from the top ranking in Google. In my mind a link is a good link, and you never know when a user might click on it, just because they happen to be into it, this is much more likely if you have a broad topic, or have a site with something that affects many people.