I was reading one of those site review panel discussions (the ones in CRE@TE Online Magazine, if you must know), and one of the "experts" was hammering a site for using frames.
Basically his statements were "Why would anyone still be using frames when there is no longer any good reason to do so" (or something along those lines. I didn't really commit it to memory because I was too busy trying to contain my anxiety attack. lol).
Anyway, he went on to say that frames are "amateurish". YIKES! (please don't tell anybody, but I still use frames ).
So anyway, it got me to thinking about frames, and maybe there ISN'T a reason to use them. I mean, each frame is it's own page, and each page could just contain all of the necesary elements (repetition could be handled by using Includes and Style Sheets, and JS pages, etc).
Right? Or not?
I don't know.
Are frames for amateurs? I see so many questions about them in here (so they would appear to remain relevent, right...?). Do they send the wrong message (about the developer)? Should I be reworking my pages to eliminate them?
I usually work in ASP, and the content is often dynamically populated by a DB. I've always used frames so that I wouldn't have to burden the server with re-writing my page header and menus every time the user wanted to query the DB.
I need some of our "experts" here to tell me what they think.
Are frames dead? (or have I worried a few years off of my life over nothing?)
I was having such a relaxing Sunday.. then THIS!
OH shoot! I posted this in JavaScript. It probably belongs in HTML or something. Can one of the kind monitors in here please move this to where they think it belongs for me? I'm in enough trouble in this forum as it is.
Basically his statements were "Why would anyone still be using frames when there is no longer any good reason to do so" (or something along those lines. I didn't really commit it to memory because I was too busy trying to contain my anxiety attack. lol).
Anyway, he went on to say that frames are "amateurish". YIKES! (please don't tell anybody, but I still use frames ).
So anyway, it got me to thinking about frames, and maybe there ISN'T a reason to use them. I mean, each frame is it's own page, and each page could just contain all of the necesary elements (repetition could be handled by using Includes and Style Sheets, and JS pages, etc).
Right? Or not?
I don't know.
Are frames for amateurs? I see so many questions about them in here (so they would appear to remain relevent, right...?). Do they send the wrong message (about the developer)? Should I be reworking my pages to eliminate them?
I usually work in ASP, and the content is often dynamically populated by a DB. I've always used frames so that I wouldn't have to burden the server with re-writing my page header and menus every time the user wanted to query the DB.
I need some of our "experts" here to tell me what they think.
Are frames dead? (or have I worried a few years off of my life over nothing?)
I was having such a relaxing Sunday.. then THIS!
OH shoot! I posted this in JavaScript. It probably belongs in HTML or something. Can one of the kind monitors in here please move this to where they think it belongs for me? I'm in enough trouble in this forum as it is.