Arcade categories


New Member
I have the latest vB version and latest ibPro arcade.. is there a way to make the category images bigger,they seem to be a set size what ever image you add in arcade categories... sample of my arcade,then sample i'm looking for vB..
Its set to 20X20 by default..

To change the size,,you`ll need to edit the main arcade.php file..

Look for,,

			$file = CAT_IMGS.$the_cat['c_id'].".gif";
	                if( file_exists($file) )
	                        $the_cat['cat_name'] = "<img src='".$file."' alt='' border='0' width='20' height='20' />&nbsp;".$the_cat['cat_name'];

	                $the_cat = "<a href=\"".$ibforums->base_url."act=Arcade&cat=".$the_cat['c_id']."\">".$the_cat['cat_name']."</a> (".$the_cat['num_of_games'].")";
	                $categories .= $this->html->cat_cell($the_cat);

change the width='20' height='20' to your liking..

Hope this helps OG ... ;)
excellent thankyou... another question for you how to put the name category under image,as shown in pic 2
O.G said:
excellent thankyou... another question for you how to put the name category under image,as shown in pic 2

Then do this

			$file = CAT_IMGS.$the_cat['c_id'].".gif";
	                if( file_exists($file) )
	                        $the_cat['cat_name'] = "<img src='".$file."' alt='' border='0' width='[color=Red]20[/color]' height='[color=red]20[/color]' />[color=red]</br>[/color]&nbsp;".$the_cat['cat_name'];

	                $the_cat = "<a href=\"".$ibforums->base_url."act=Arcade&cat=".$the_cat['c_id']."\">".$the_cat['cat_name']."</a> (".$the_cat['num_of_games'].")";
	                $categories .= $this->html->cat_cell($the_cat);

Hope this is what your after,
also sorry about the delay miss the reply ;)