Approximately what percentage of users have explorer, AOL, etc...


What percentage of people have<br />
AOL:<br />
Internet Explorer:<br />
Netscape:<br />
<br />
I don't care about other browsers since they all usually end up follow ing in the tracks of one of either IE or explorer, AOL is a combination of both, but is one version behind, so I want to know the above percentages so I know what layout, scripts and tags to use on my site and where.<!--content-->AOL has by far the largest membership of all ISPs, but the AOL browser is not detectable, I believe it shows up as whatever version IE it is based on. And AOL users are not stuck using the AOL browser, they can dial in on AOL, and then use any browser they want to.<br />
<br />
IE5 has something around 80% browser share.<br />
Netscape and IE4 take up about 18% and all the rest combined take up the last 2%. <br />
<br />
You can get fairly recent statistics here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Another one:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Is the title "IE 5" include 5.5?<br />
<br />
People are still using IE 2? That's crazy.<!--content-->The gives<br />
<br />
MSIE 5.x (70%) <br />
MSIE 4.x (17%) <br />
Netscape 4.x (6%) <br />
Netscape comp. (1%) <br />
Opera x.x (2%) <br />
Netscape 5.x (1%) <br />
MSIE 3.x (0%) <br />
Unknow (0%) <br />
Netscape 3.x (0%) <br />
MSIE 2.x (0%) <br />
<br />
I know they don't add up - the 0% are actually less than 1%<br />
<br />
HOWEVER, last night I installed a new perl script<br />
I don't (yet) want to list the %s as it's only half a days stats and I'm embarrassed :(<br />
but, it's interesting to note - that it HAS picked up AOL, and the many variants of IE and Netscape.<br />
<br />
Internet Explorer 5.0 <br />
Internet Explorer 5.5 <br />
Internet Explorer 5.01 <br />
Internet Explorer 4.01 <br />
AOL IE 5.0 <br />
Netscape 4.04 <br />
Netscape 4.05 <br />
AOL IE 6.0 <br />
Internet Explorer 4.0 <br />
Netscape 4.7 <br />
Netscape 4.72 <br />
Netscape 4.77 <br />
Netscape 4.07 <br />
Netscape 4.06 <br />
Netscape 4.5<!--content-->