Approx. cost of this...<


Staff member
I was wondering what you would charge a company for something like this:

A place where old school students can register and look each other up. They can search by year of graduation, name, surname, etc.

A student can enter his details into the database so he can be listed when other students do a search.

The administrator can then use the custom designed control panel to query the database and send an e-mail about a reunion to all those students who graduated in a certain year.

This system will use PHP and MySQL.

What would you charge for the backend AND frontend design for a site like this?you mean another site like friendsreunited?

if yes that would be a pretty big job, i have no idea about what sort of prices to charge though sorryI'm atchually an auxillary(read: emergency) developer for a similar project...I wasn't willing to help as much as the person who was contrated to(doing other people's dirty work isn't my idea of valuable usage of my skills),but I signed on to do updates when needed.Altho the contract was based on a cut of revenue in exchange for a lower upfront payment...altho..I can't remember the exact rates..and they're also in pounds...not usd...but I can find out next time our UK Manager is on...hes the one doing it...

I think it also depends on the timeframe...if they want it in very little time...charge a lot more then if they give you a reasonable timeframe.Thanks for the replies. No, it's not as big as friendsreunited, it's for a single school only. Anybody else have price ideas?450(too lazy to make the pound sign at 7:30am) to start..+revenue...but this is supposedly a larger scale accordingly...and he has a specific deal about take that into account.