Applying a 'LIMIT' like option to a written SQL Query


New Member
So I've been working with this :\[code\]SELECT DISTINCT l.* FROM StreamView l JOIN Friendships f ON f.Sender = @UserName OR f.Recipient = @UserName WHERE l.Sender <> @UserName AND l.Recipient <> @UserName AND ( l.Sender = f.Recipient OR l.Sender = f.Sender OR l.Recipient = f.Sender OR l.Recipient = f.Recipient) ORDER BY DateTime DESC\[/code\]It works great for getting a list of required records.Anyhow I would like to be able to give this query two new attributes, from which row to start getting records from and a second integer that defines the length.The reason for this is that I am applying 'lazy scrolling' effect on this data.I would like to add these two values into the query: (Int32 startAt, Int32 howMany)Any ideas? Thanks.