Apply styles to an RSS feed


Staff member
I have an RSS feed at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. It validates perfectly. However, I do have custom styles associated with the data in my feed. I have the data (essentially the exact content of my post) within CDATA fields. This data is in XHTML. Now when I bring this feed up in Google Reader (for example), the content renders fine, but none of the styles are applied. This is to be expected, because I haven't told the RSS feed to apply any styles.

The question I have is this... how exactly would I go about doing that? I read up on XSLT, but it mainly talks about translating XML into HTML. I already have CSS that I use for my blog (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), but I want to know how to apply these styles to the data in the feed. Thanks for the help!