Application settings fom custom XML file, loading and error-handling


New Member
I'm working on a legacy application that uses a static class to store settings that are read from a custom XML file.However, as part of a slight upgrade to the module, the customer would like to see, at runtime, which fields are missing.
Consider the following Settings.xml file: \[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><appSettings> <configuration> <API> <log> <type>09</type> <location>C:\Test\Test.log</filename> </log> </API> </configuration></appSettings> \[/code\]The settings are currently read into the static class using an XMLReader (seen below): \[code\] using (XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader("Settings.xml")) { xmlReader.ReadToFollowing("API"); xmlReader.ReadToFollowing("log"); xmlReader.ReadToFollowing("type"); this.logtype = xmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString(); //snip... }\[/code\]This same code is used to read each and every setting. There has to be a better way. Is there any way that I can read the XML values into each corresponding property, and generate an error if it's null?
I'm attempting to design the static Settings class as such: \[code\]public static class Settings { private static string logtype public static string LogType { get { return logtype; } set { logtype = value; } } }\[/code\]And then use something like the following to "grab" the values: \[code\]public static void initSettings() { appSettings.LogType = read the configuration\API\log\type field from xml; }\[/code\]I'm pretty sure that I'd just check for the null character in the property constructor, but how would I do the 'read the configuration\API\log\type field from xml' part of the initSettings method?