How do I figure out what is wrong with it. I have an application that has the user put in a path of a file on our server and then it goes it gets the file on postback and loads the text into a text box. It works great when I run the application thru Visual Studio but it doesn't get the file when I deploy the application on the same server that I am testing on. What do I do now?DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG<BR>Turn Tracing on at the page or application level. Write to the trace log in your code so you can see what is happening. Make sure you turn tracing back off before you re-deploy the app.Can you turn tracing on in a deployed application because it is working great when I run it thru Visual Studio and debug it there. It is just not working after it is deployed.Turn it on and see what happens. Did you try? Or, you could use DbgClr.exe to attach to the process and step through the code.My problem is that the path that they are selecting is a network path(ie. \serverfile.txt) and file.exist is reporting true when run from visual and false when run as an application. Does anyone know what that is happening.How are you retrieving the file? Post relevant code. Search for documentation that illustrates the use of your objects with UNC paths.